Steve Drasche comes from a long line of piano makers, including his great grandfather, 3 great uncles, his father, his father's cousin and one of his uncles. And they ALL worked for Steinway & Sons! Although Steve left after 10 years to start his own company, the rest of the family members spent their entire piano making careers there.
Steve has been working on pianos since 1970 when, at 16 years old he learned about the various woods that went into the construction of a Steinway piano. He then went on to a number of other jobs in the company but found his calling as a piano tuner in 1975. He worked at Steinway as a tuner in both the factory and at Steinway Hall until 1984, while also working for Camillieri Pianos, AC Pianocraft and LaPiana Piano Sales. The amount of private clients began to soar, eventually reaching over two thousand and Steve was kept very busy tuning and learning about piano keyboards and what it took to make that famous Steinway sound.
a bit more history on where drasche pianos came from...
"Union contract with Steinway & Sons comes up for negotiations, and Walter Drasche (my father), the tone regulators’ union delegate, initiates a strike. After 3 weeks of stand-off, the union wins. The new contract includes a general pay increase by 10 cents an hour, 10 paid holidays per year, and a pension plan. To apply for the pension, a worker must be 70 years old, and have worked for Steinway & Sons no less than 35 years. The pension plan will require additional negotiations that will continue for the next two years. Walter Drasche becomes one of the trustees of the pension plan board. Recognizing Walter Drasche’s leadership qualities, Henry Z. Steinway promotes him to the position of a foreman in the action department. Eventually Walter Drashe will join Steinway & Sons management." - Source: steinwayhistory.com
Walter G. Drasche has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Bearings for piano action mechanism employing bushing cloth and method of fabricating same - Source: https://patents.justia.com